9:03 PM | Category ,

Situation Deteriorates in Concepcion

After a strong 8.8 earthquake in Chile the situation gets even more problematic and worst. One can’t see the sun rising in Concepcion, a Chilean city, because the clouds have covered so thick. Earth has been rumbling still now. After each rumble, a little more brick and roof gave way in this destroyed little city.

There are pieces of homes vulnerable to the earthquakes. It's falling apart from the aftereffects that have plagued this city since that awful morning: the looting, the lack of food, fuel and water and a burning frustration that not enough is being done for people with high expectations of their government.

Though the military seems to have invaded, firing into the air to deter looting and rolling large military equipment through empty communities but even then it does not seem that the situation can be controlled in the earliest possible time.